InnoDB is a popular database engine for the MySQL relational database management system. It’s an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has got many strong sides that have made it the engine of choice for a lot of open-source script-based software apps, such as Joomla and Magento, which have moved to InnoDB for good. For instance, importing enormous volumes of data will be faster with InnoDB, due to the fact that it locks only a single database row to carry out a certain operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine ideal for scalable applications. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the manner in which the information is treated. To put it simply, appending new or modifying existing data will either be fully completed, or will be annulled and the operation will be rolled back in case any issue shows up during the process, hence the content that remains in the database won’t be damaged.

InnoDB in Shared Web Hosting

Every script-powered application that needs InnoDB will function impeccably on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform and the MySQL database storage engine is offered with all our shared web hosting packages. Whenever you create a database manually or our app installer creates one automatically and an app installation process is initiated, the engine that the database will use will be selected on the basis of the app’s prerequisites without having to update any setting in your web hosting account. InnoDB will be selected automatically for any application that requires this particular engine and you’ll be able to take advantage of its full capacity. We will create daily content backups, so if you unintentionally delete a MySQL database that you need or you overwrite certain parts of it, we’ll be able to restore your content the way it was only a few hours ago.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can activate an open-source script-driven software app that requires InnoDB with any of our semi-dedicated server plans, as all the accounts are set up on our leading-edge cloud platform where the storage engine is installed. A new database can be set up in two ways – manually through the Database Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, or automatically – when you make use of our single-click application installer tool. In either case, the required engine will be selected automatically as soon as the application’s installation starts, so you will not have to change anything manually, regardless of whether the app needs InnoDB or the more widely used MyISAM. Also, we’ll always be able to recover any of your databases if you unintentionally erase one, as we make a few MySQL database backups every day, each of which is saved for one week.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

When you get a new dedicated server, you’ll be able to pick one of the three Control Panels offered by us – cPanel, Hepsia and DirectAdmin. Any server ordered with Hepsia comes with InnoDB pre-activated, so you won’t need to activate this database engine manually so as to be able to use open-source script-based software applications that need it. InnoDB is used for scalable apps and since a dedicated server will offer you all the system resources that you need in order to run large-scale websites, it’s rather possible that you will resort to InnoDB. You’ll be able to use other engines too, so if a certain application needs MyISAM rather than InnoDB, you will not run into any complication while managing it. The engine that will be used will be automatically detected the moment the app installation begins, so you will not have to alter any settings manually at any point.