An auto-responder email is an email that's sent back automatically to everyone who sends an e-mail to a mailbox with this option enabled. The senders will receive the automatic reply the moment their emails are received and you'll not have to do anything manually. A few examples of taking advantage of auto-responder messages are sending a validation that a transaction has been received and the order is being prepared or that an individual is on vacation and won't be available for a certain time period. In the first situation the feature can be activated for a long time, while in the second one it is temporary. Even if you make use of e-mail address exclusively for private correspondence, you may use an auto-responder to let the original sender know that the e-mail has been received successfully.

Auto-responder Emails in Shared Web Hosting

It is possible to make an auto-responder message for any of your mailboxes with as few as a couple of clicks with every single shared web hosting package that our company offers. Everything you will have to do will be to visit the Emails section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, pick the auto-responder icon for a particular email address, enter the message inside the box that will show up and save the modification. If you wish to change or remove some message, you will need to follow the very same steps. The Emails section will let you view which e-mail accounts have an auto-responder option, so you can effortlessly monitor what's going on with your emails. You can also enable or disable the function for several email addresses at once.

Auto-responder Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you are using a semi-dedicated server package to host your domain names with our company, you will be able to easily activate the auto-responder feature for any of the mailboxes that you make in your account. This can be done from the Emails part of our simple to use Hepsia Hosting Control Panel where you can see a set of all your mailboxes. A little icon will show you which one has an enabled auto-responder and which doesn't. To add, change or delete a message, click on the corresponding image for the given e-mail, enter the content that you want to use, save the changes and you'll be all set. If you choose multiple email addresses, you're able to enable or disable the option for them in bulk, with as little efforts.