Using emails with your personal domain is way more convenient plus it will provide you with more credibility as a firm if you get in touch with business partners. Such an email address will also look way better in the event that some visitor on your site contacts you using a commentary form and you need to answer. How effortless it is to control your electronic mail correspondence can often be as vital as the quality of the service, considering that some website hosting Control Panels make it quite difficult and time-consuming to perform fundamental tasks for example providing anti-spam protection or forwarding your emails. That is why, you should take advantage of an e-mail service that will allow you to gain access to everything swiftly and which will make the handling of your e-mails quick and easy.

Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting

Our tailor-made Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, that is featured with each and every shared web hosting package that we provide, was designed to help make everything painless even for people who have never owned a website or an e-mail address before. It includes a professional, yet very intuitive-to-use Email Manager instrument where you'll be able to easy access any attribute you need with no more than a few clicks. With quick access buttons and right-click context menus you'll be able to do nearly anything - set up or delete a mailbox, forward all of your emails to another email, allow SPF and / or anti-spam protection, set-up a catch-all mailbox, and many other things. Webmail access and downloadable auto-configuration files for the most used e-mail clients (Apple Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird) can be found in the Email Manager area of Hepsia.

Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

Using our semi-dedicated servers, you will be able to access any function associated with your e-mail addresses with only a couple of mouse-clicks. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is featured with all of our web hosting accounts, enables you to gain access to a feature-rich Email Manager tool where you will be able to view and handle all of your mailboxes - connect to the webmail, download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail or Outlook, create a catch-all mailbox or enable anti-spam protection. For tech-savvy clients, there're options such as SPF protection and email lists, which are also a click away. With right-click popup menus and instant access links, you will get complete control over all kinds of things from a single place and with a very user-friendly interface. The abovementioned can save you lots of time and it'll make the control of your email addresses a breeze.